Ewy - A natural girl name
Learn more about Ewy, life, source of life, to be, to live. A name of 3 letters that starts with E.
Ewy is a beautiful feminine name with various origins and meanings. It is a Nordic form of Evi or Evy, meaning “life” or “source of life”. Ewy also has roots in Hebrew, where it is derived from “haya” or “khay”, meaning “to be” or “to live”.
What’s the origin of Ewy
Nordic form of Evi or Evy, Hebrew “haya/הָיָה” or “kháy/חַי”
What’s the meaning of Ewy
life, source of life, to be, to live
Variants of Ewy
Similar names
Ewy (EW-ee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority