Evann - A soft boy name
Learn more about Evann, Evann is a masculine name with multiple origins and meanings. It reflects the diversity and richness of cultures, carrying different interpretations and associations..
Evann is a masculine name with multiple origins and meanings. It reflects the diversity and richness of cultures, carrying different interpretations and associations.
What’s the origin of Evann
Evann is primarily a variant of the Welsh name Evan, which holds a Gaelic heritage, originating from the name Eoghan. However, it is also a variation of the Greek name Evangelos and the Hebrew name John.
What’s the meaning of Evann
The name Evann derives its meanings from its various origins. In Welsh, it symbolizes “youth” and “young warrior”, while in Greek, it means “bearer of good news” and in Hebrew, it conveys the blessings of “grace” and “mercy from God”.
Variants of Evann
Similar names
Evann (ee-vahn) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority