Eske - A soft unisex name
Learn more about Eske, Eske, a gender neutral name with a rich cultural heritage, is a name of great significance. It resonates with strength, divine protection, and bravery..
Eske, a gender neutral name with a rich cultural heritage, is a name of great significance. It resonates with strength, divine protection, and bravery.
What’s the origin of Eske
Eske is believed to have originated from the Germanic and Norse languages.
What’s the meaning of Eske
The meaning of Eske varies depending on its gender and linguistic roots. For girls, it means “helmet of the Gods” or “protected by Gods,” while for boys, it means “spear of God”.
Variants of Eske
- Esko
- Esger
Similar names
Eske (ES-kee) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority