Emylia - A historical girl name
Learn more about Emylia, Emylia carries the meanings "of the Aemilius family," "rival," and "eager," suggesting a spirited and ambitious individual..
Emylia is a charming feminine name with a long and rich history. It exudes grace, elegance, and a touch of playfulness, making it an excellent choice for parents seeking a classic yet trendy name for their daughter.
What’s the origin of Emylia
Emylia is derived from the Latin surname Aemilius, which belonged to one of the most influential Roman families known for their strength and leadership.
What’s the meaning of Emylia
Emylia carries the meanings “of the Aemilius family,” “rival,” and “eager,” suggesting a spirited and ambitious individual.
Variants of Emylia
Similar names
Emylia (ih-MEE-lee-ah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority