Élio - A natural boy name
Learn more about Élio, Élio means "sun", "sunshine", and "sunlight". It can also mean "other", "another", or "different"..
Élio is a masculine given name primarily used in Portuguese-speaking countries and regions, although it has also been used in French and Italian. It is a variant of the name Elio, which is of Latin origin and means “sun”. Élio has a bright and sunny connotation and may be given to a child who is born during the summer or who is believed to have a sunny disposition.
What’s the origin of Élio
The name Élio originates from the Latin name Aelius or the name of the Greek sun-god Helios.
What’s the meaning of Élio
Élio means “sun”, “sunshine”, and “sunlight”. It can also mean “other”, “another”, or “different”.
Variants of Élio
Similar names
Élio (EH-lee-oh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority