Ebbe - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Ebbe, Brave boar. A name of 4 letters that starts with E.
Ebbe is a masculine name of Frisian origin, meaning “brave boar” or “strong warrior.” It is a short form of names beginning with “Eber-”, like Eberhard. Ebbe is a palindrome, meaning it reads the same backwards and forward. Variants of the name include Ebbo, Eppo, and Ebo, and it is related to the names Albert and Edgar. Names that sound similar to Ebbe include Abbe, Ebba, and Evie.
What’s the origin of Ebbe
What’s the meaning of Ebbe
Brave boar
Variants of Ebbe
- Ebbo
- Eppo
- Ebo
Similar names
Ebbe (eb-buh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority