Demian - A soft boy name
Learn more about Demian, Demian is a masculine name with Greek roots. It is a name with a strong and positive meaning, and it has been gaining popularity in recent years..
Demian is a masculine name with Greek roots. It is a name with a strong and positive meaning, and it has been gaining popularity in recent years.
What’s the origin of Demian
The name Demian originated from the Greek name Damianos (Δαμιανός).
What’s the meaning of Demian
The name Demian means “powerful man” or “man of the people” (from ancient Greek “daman” = powerful or “dêsmos/δήμος” = people) and “to tame”, “to subdue” or “untamed” (from ancient Greek “damazein/δαμάζειν” or “damazώ/δαμάζω”).
Variants of Demian
Similar names
Demian (Dəm-ee-ən) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority