Cedric - A lovely boy name
Learn more about Cedric, Cedric is a masculine name of Celtic origin. It is a popular name in English-speaking countries, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States..
Cedric is a masculine name of Celtic origin. It is a popular name in English-speaking countries, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States.
What’s the origin of Cedric
The name Cedric was first mentioned by the author Sir Walter Scott in his novel “Ivanhoe”. The name presumably derived by the Anglo-Saxon royal name Cerdic, which is originally a Celtic name or by the Brythonic name Caratacus.
What’s the meaning of Cedric
Cedric means “warlord” or “war chief” (from Celtic “kad” = war + “rîg” = ruler/king) and “loved one” (from Celtic-Welsh “carad” = loved or “caru” = to love”.
Variants of Cedric
Similar names
Cedric (SE-drik) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority