Atréju - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Atréju, Son of all or fearless. A name of 6 letters that starts with A.
Atréju is an invented name created by Michael Ende for his novel The Neverending Story. It is given to the ten year old boy who is the protagonist of the story. According to the book, the name means “son of all” because he was an orphan raised by everyone in his village. However, it may also be derived from the Greek word “atreus”, which means “fearless”.
What’s the origin of Atréju
Invented by Michael Ende
What’s the meaning of Atréju
Son of all or fearless
Variants of Atréju
- Adreju
- Atreju
- Atreyu
Atréju (a-tre-ju) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority