Bailey - A pleasant unisex name
Learn more about Bailey, Bailey is a unisex name that has both English and French roots. It is a surname that was originally used for someone who lived near a fortified area or castle..
Learn more about Bailey, Bailey is a unisex name that has both English and French roots. It is a surname that was originally used for someone who lived near a fortified area or castle..
Learn more about Balder, strong. A name of 6 letters that starts with B.
Learn more about Baptist, one who baptizes. A name of 7 letters that starts with B.
Learn more about Baptiste, Baptiste is a French name for boys that has Greek origins, meaning “baptist.” It's often paired with the name Jean in France..
Learn more about Barbi, foreigner. A name of 5 letters that starts with B.
Learn more about Barry, Barry, a name of Irish origin, has a history of nobility and adventure. It brings to mind images of knights, explorers, and people full of wisdom and confidence..