Stan - A pleasant boy name
Learn more about Stan, stone clearing, steadfast, constant, stand, become, glory. A name of 4 letters that starts with S.
Stan is a popular boy’s name of English, Dutch, and Slavic origin with various meanings. It is a short form of Stanley in English, meaning “stone clearing.” In Dutch, it is a diminutive of Konstantin, meaning “steadfast” or “constant.” In Slavic, it is derived from Stanislaus, carrying meanings like “stand,” “become,” and “glory.”
What’s the origin of Stan
English, Dutch, and Slavic
What’s the meaning of Stan
stone clearing, steadfast, constant, stand, become, glory
Variants of Stan
- Stanley
- Konstantin
- Stanislav
- Stanislaw
- Stanislav
- Stanisław
Similar names
- Sean
- Stephen
- Stetson
- Stone
Stan (stan) is an easy name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority