Marianna - A soft girl name
Learn more about Marianna, Sea of bitterness, grace.. A name of 8 letters that starts with M.
Marianna is a feminine name of Hebrew and Latin origin, meaning “sea of bitterness” or “grace.” It is a combination of the names Maria and Anna, both of which have strong biblical significance. The name Marianna is often associated with the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, and is a popular choice for girls in many cultures around the world.
What’s the origin of Marianna
Combination of the names Maria and Anna.
What’s the meaning of Marianna
Sea of bitterness, grace.
Variants of Marianna
- Mariana
- Marjana
Similar names
- Marina
- Mara
Marianna (mah-ree-AH-nah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority