Madlaina - A soft girl name
Learn more about Madlaina, Of Magdala (tower). A name of 8 letters that starts with M.
Madlaina is a feminine name of Rhaeto-Romanic origin, which is prevalent in Switzerland. It is the Rhaeto-Romanic variant of the name Магдалена / Magdalena. It is derived from the Hebrew word מיגדלא / Migdal, which means מגדל / Migdal, “tower”.
What’s the origin of Madlaina
What’s the meaning of Madlaina
Of Magdala (tower)
Variants of Madlaina
- Madalein
- Madaleina
- Maddeline
- Madeleine
Similar names
Madlaina (mad-LAH-ee-nuh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority