Katharina - A soft girl name
Learn more about Katharina, Katharina is a feminine name that has been used in various cultures for centuries. It is often associated with purity, grace, and strength..
Katharina is a feminine name that has been used in various cultures for centuries. It is often associated with purity, grace, and strength.
What’s the origin of Katharina
Katharina originated from the Greek name Aikaterine, which was derived from Hekaterine and Hekate, the goddess of magic.
What’s the meaning of Katharina
The name Katharina has multiple possible meanings, including “pure” (from Greek “katharos”), “each of the two” or “each singly” (from Greek “hekatos”), and “torture” (from Greek “aikia”). It could also be from a Coptic name meaning “my consecration of your name.”
Variants of Katharina
- Catarina
- Catharina
- Katariina
- Katarina
Katharina (KAH-tah-REE-nah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority