Katarina - A soft girl name
Learn more about Katarina, Katarina is the Greek form of the ancient Greek name Ekaterina meaning 'pure.. A name of 8 letters that starts with K.
Katarina is the Greek form of the ancient Greek name Ekaterina meaning ‘pure.
What’s the origin of Katarina
Katarina is ultimately derived from the Greek Goddess Hekate, the goddess of magic, hell, and witches.
What’s the meaning of Katarina
Meaning of Katarina is ‘pure’.
Variants of Katarina
- Catarina
- Catharina
- Katariina
- Katharina
Similar names
- Katrina
- Katherine
- Catriona
- Kara
Katarina (kah-tah-REE-nah) is an easy name to pronounce with a soft sonority