Gavin - A soft boy name
Learn more about Gavin, A beautiful Welsh name that exemplifies heroism, chivalry and bravery.. A name of 5 letters that starts with G.
A beautiful Welsh name that exemplifies heroism, chivalry and bravery.
What’s the origin of Gavin
Derived from the medieval name Gawain, which is a variant of the Welsh Gwalchgwn, Gwalchmai or Gwalchmei.
What’s the meaning of Gavin
White hawk, blessed hawk, or may hawk.
Variants of Gavin
- Gawain
- Gwalchgwn
- Gwalchmai
- Gwalchmei
Similar names
- Kevin
- Gavin
Gavin (GAY-vin) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority