Erwan - A natural boy name
Learn more about Erwan, Yew archer, man of the yew. A name of 5 letters that starts with E.
Erwan is a masculine name of Breton origin, meaning “yew archer” or “man of the yew”, derived from the Celtic elements “iwer” (yew) and “man” (man). It has been used in Brittany since the Middle Ages and is the Breton form of the French name Yves.
What’s the origin of Erwan
Breton and French
What’s the meaning of Erwan
Yew archer, man of the yew
Variants of Erwan
- Erwan
- Erwann
Similar names
- Evan
- Yves
Erwan (er-WAHN) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a pleasant sonority