Ebba - A soft girl name
Learn more about Ebba, Ebba is a feminine, unique and adorable name.. A name of 4 letters that starts with E.
Ebba is a feminine, unique and adorable name.
What’s the origin of Ebba
Ebba is a feminine variant of the masculine name Ebbe, a Frisian and Scandinavian short form of names beginning with “Eber-”, like Eberhard. Ebba also derived from the Old English name Æbbe.
What’s the meaning of Ebba
Ebba means “brave boar” (from Germanic “ebur” = wild boar + “harti” = strong/brave/hardy).
Variants of Ebba
- Ebbe
- Æbbe
Similar names
Ebba (EH-buh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority