Constantin - A soft boy name
Learn more about Constantin, Constantin means "steadfast" or "constant".. A name of 10 letters that starts with C.
Constantin is a masculine name of Latin origin, traditionally given to boys. It means “steadfast” or “constant”, and it has been popular throughout history, particularly in Eastern Europe and France.
What’s the origin of Constantin
The name Constantin is derived from the Roman surname Constantinus, which in turn comes from the Latin word “constans”, meaning “steadfast” or “constant.
What’s the meaning of Constantin
Constantin means “steadfast” or “constant”.
Variants of Constantin
- Konstandin
- Konstantin
Similar names
- Constantine
- Constanty
- Kostas
- Gus
- Konstantinos
Constantin (KON-stahn-teen) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority