Béla - A historical boy name
Learn more about Béla, Heart, insides, intestines, guts, noble bright, noble shining. A name of 4 letters that starts with B.
Béla is a beautiful and powerful male name with a rich history and diverse cultural influences. It is most commonly associated with Hungarian origins, where it is a diminutive of Bél and Adalbert, names with meanings like “heart” and “noble bright.” Interestingly, Béla also shares roots with the Turkish name Bojla, further showcasing its multicultural background.
What’s the origin of Béla
Hungarian, Turkish
What’s the meaning of Béla
Heart, insides, intestines, guts, noble bright, noble shining
Variants of Béla
- Bél
- Adalbert
- Bojla
Similar names
- Bevan
- Boleslav
- Bojan
Béla (BAY-lah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority