Atina - A soft girl name
Learn more about Atina, The exact meaning of Atina is uncertain, but it is believed to mean "mistress of Athens".. A name of 5 letters that starts with A.
Atina is a beautiful and unique name of Greek origin, carrying the essence of wisdom, art, and strength. While its meaning remains a mystery, its association with the goddess Athena adds a touch of mythology and power to its allure.
What’s the origin of Atina
The name Atina derives from the ancient Greek name Athena, the goddess of war, wisdom, art, and handcraft.
What’s the meaning of Atina
The exact meaning of Atina is uncertain, but it is believed to mean “mistress of Athens”.
Variants of Atina
- Athina
- Atena
- Athena
Similar names
Atina (AY-tin-uh) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority