Anouk - A soft girl name
Learn more about Anouk, Anouk carries the meaning of "grace", "favor", "merciful" and "He (God) has favored me" in Hebrew..
Anouk is a beautiful and unique feminine name with Slavic and French origins. It is commonly used in Europe and has gained popularity worldwide due to its versatility and easy pronunciation.
What’s the origin of Anouk
Anouk originated as a Slavic short form of Anouschka and also came from the French Anna.
What’s the meaning of Anouk
Anouk carries the meaning of “grace”, “favor”, “merciful” and “He (God) has favored me” in Hebrew.
Variants of Anouk
- Annouk
- Anouck
Similar names
Anouk (ah-NOOK) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority