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Learn more about Allon, Strong as an oak tree. A name of 5 letters that starts with A.

Allon - A natural boy name

Learn more about Allon, Strong as an oak tree. A name of 5 letters that starts with A.

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Allon is a Hebrew boy’s name that means “oak” or “strong as an oak tree.” It is a Biblical name mentioned in the Old Testament, where it is the name of one of the sons of Gideon. Allon is a popular name in Israel and has been used by several notable people, including Allon Shuster, an Olympic swimmer, and Allon Livne, an actor and dancer.

What’s the origin of Allon


What’s the meaning of Allon

Strong as an oak tree

Variants of Allon

  • Alon

Similar names


Allon (AL-lun) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority

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