Alizia - A soft girl name
Learn more about Alizia, Alizia is a beautiful and unique name with multiple origins and meanings. It is a Basque and Aragonese variant of the name Alicia or Alice, and it could also be of Greek origin..
Alizia is a beautiful and unique name with multiple origins and meanings. It is a Basque and Aragonese variant of the name Alicia or Alice, and it could also be of Greek origin.
What’s the origin of Alizia
Alizia could be of Basque, Aragonese, or Greek origin.
What’s the meaning of Alizia
Alizia means “noble natured”, “of noble type” or “noble person” in Old High German, and “truth”, “disclosure”, “unconcealedness”, “revealing” and “unclosedness” in ancient Greek.
Variants of Alizia
Similar names
Alizia (uh-LEE-see-ah) is a slightly difficult name to pronounce with a soft sonority