Fay - A soft girl name
Learn more about Fay, Fay means "fairy" from Old English "fae" and "fate" from Latin "fatum".. A name of 3 letters that starts with F.
Learn more about Fay, Fay means "fairy" from Old English "fae" and "fate" from Latin "fatum".. A name of 3 letters that starts with F.
Learn more about Fayèn, This name Fayen is a name for a girl, that comes from the Netherlands, and doesn't have a precise meaning. It is a relatively new name that first appeared in 1998..
Learn more about Fearne, Fearne means "fern", symbolizing the plant's delicate beauty, quiet strength, and connection to the natural world..
Learn more about Faye, Faye is a feminine name of English origin, meaning "fairy" or "fate.". A name of 4 letters that starts with F.
Learn more about Fayénn, Fayénn is a rare and unique name of Dutch origin, with a mysterious and intriguing aura.. A name of 6 letters that starts with F.
Learn more about Fedde, Fedde means "peace" and "protection" in Germanic.. A name of 5 letters that starts with F.